The Year of Jessica Chastain (aka 2011… in Film)


One challenging list wasn’t enough. How ’bout two challenging lists and the second one is even longer?! Why do I do this to myself? Why set myself up to ultimately be slightly disappointed? I’ll never have an answer.

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2001… in Film


New year, new something. In this day and age, especially after the passing of what can collectively be called the worst year ever, it’s hard to think of what’s new. Everything feels new. Or, as will quickly become the case, if it wasn’t apparent, everything old will be new again. While life is slowly heading up (like a turtle), I’m sure filmgoers of all sorts will take comfort in the occasional older film.

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2019 Academy Awards Nominations Brought A lot of Surprise and Expected Results


The Razzie Award nominees have been announced, so you know what that means? Oscar nominations day has arrived! Okay, that doesn’t roll off the tongue, but it’s no less exciting! The climax of awards season has finally come and the little over month long wait now begins! But before we begin that, we must start with the nominees. It’s why so many of us woke up earlier than usual or when we should on a day that’s not a work day.

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