‘Tis the Season: “2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards: Winners”

It’s the end of the month, and that means another awards show! Awards season isn’t slowing down, even when it seems like it’s slowing down. I’ve always been trying to figure out why this particular awards show is my favorite, but I think there’s a simple reason behind that. It’s the shortest and most to the point. No obnoxious host or bad jokes, mainly, and it seems to breeze by quickly. How can you not like that?! Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations”

  While awards season has been in full effect for some time, according to many observers, it is with the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards nominations that a much bigger and important picture seems to take shape. Surprises can still happen, and occasionally, some are quite welcome. It’s what makes this so much fun and competitive. However, some nominees aren’t always what we expect, and it begins a tiresome yearly ritual. I, like a lot of people ask, who should’ve been nominated and what does this mean in that ultimate quest for gold? Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations, Part II”

IMG_4906.JPGSo today was exciting for all those that follow the goings on of awards season! It might truly be the only thing that rivals the excitement one gets from the holidays and spending time with family. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations, Part I”

IMG_0387.JPGTis the season to be jolly… fa la la la la…. Blah blah blah… The Christmas season is great and fun, trust me, I have the music going the day after Thanksgiving, plus decorations up! but nothing is quite as exciting as the day film and television award nominations come out! Sure there have been many already, and some wins, which are also just as exciting, but none gets me more pumped up than the major awards! You know which one’s I’m talking about.

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