‘Tis the Season: “2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards: Winners”

It’s the end of the month, and that means another awards show! Awards season isn’t slowing down, even when it seems like it’s slowing down. I’ve always been trying to figure out why this particular awards show is my favorite, but I think there’s a simple reason behind that. It’s the shortest and most to the point. No obnoxious host or bad jokes, mainly, and it seems to breeze by quickly. How can you not like that?!

The 2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards, presented by SAG-AFTRA, aired tonight and while it had its fair share of predictable winners, there were some surprises all over. However, it’s really tough to be disappointed when all the nominees are quite deserving and have work that’s still left to be seen.

As always, I will have been writing this as the ceremony aired. The commentary is never predictable, unlike most of the winners year in and year out.

The winners are:

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series

Julia Louis-Dreyfus – “Veep”

WOW!! I’m surprised that someone other than Uzo Aduba won. I’m sure Louis-Dreyfus deserved this win. Immigrant ban conversation. I’m not surprised it came so quickly.

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series

William H. Macy – “Shameless”

Sure. Why not? I’ve only actually seen one of these performances, and each year, when I’ve still not changed anything, I’m always hoping to have enough time to catch up on these shows. One day.

Ensemble in a Comedy Series

“Orange is the New Black”

This serves as a reminder that I need to catch up on last season. Also, I can’t be too upset by this win. It’s the only ensemble I regularly watch, which may or may not be unfortunate. And star Taylor Schilling delivered a pretty amazing speech. The immigration ban, which President Trump ordered and has been in headlines all weekend, is definitely on everyone’s minds. Not hard to understand why. Contrary to what people believe, actors who’ve been in the business for decades or a few years, and no doubt make a pretty comfortable living doing what they love, are still Americans, and even if they’re not and can’t vote, they still have a right to speak up on many issues. Many issues impacting this country thus far this year, are not exclusive to this country. They’re global.

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role

Viola Davis – “Fences”

Wow! She’s delivering one incredible speech. I can’t say I’m disappointed in Davis’s win. I would’ve been okay with any of these women winning. They’re all so deserving.

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role

Mahershala Ali – “Moonlight”

I’m starting to see some predictability with these wins now. I can’t complain about his win either. Another crop of nominees I’m thrilled to see in their respective work, and keep track of what they do next as it could be just as amazing as what’s being recognized tonight.

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series

Sarah Paulson- “The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story”

The woman that nobody could beat! This role, for which she has now won an incredible honor, really reaffirmed why I love her and will probably watch anything she’s in.

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series

Bryan Cranston – “All the Way”

Wow! I don’t know if people thought he’d win. Up against some other incredible talent made it hard for me to even pick a favorite.

Life Achievement Award

Lily Tomlin

Dolly Parton!! Wait, I thought Jane Fonda was supposed to be there too? WOW! A plastic surgery joke. Funny. Drug joke. Oh my. Too much. I’m loving this video package they put together! So much great work. That was great!

Tomlin’s on stage! I’m loving her slightly rambling speech. And she found a clever way to weave in “alternative facts” and “fake news”.

Outstanding Peformance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series

John Lithgow – “The Crown”

I love this win!

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series

Claire Foy – “The Crown”

WOW! I really need to see this series. I’m apparently missing out on a lot.

In Memoriam

Joy. This won’t be sad at all. And, right on cue, they saved Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds for last. I’ll just leave it at that as it’s not too easy to explain.

Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series

“Stranger Things”

This is incredible! So deserving. I’m glad I got to catch up on it before tonight’s ceremony. I mostly get the hype. David Harbour may have just won the night for best acceptance speech.

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role

Emma Stone – “La La Land”

YAY!!! Too many exclamation points? She’s worth it.

Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role

Denzel Washington – “Fences”

WHOA!! A surprise for the film category! Wow!!

Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture

“Hidden Figures”

YAY! Any of these casts would’ve been deserving. So proud of these winners.

And there you have it!! The winners of the 2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards! So many great and deserving winners. I truly can’t think that any of these winners weren’t the right choices. Now, which I’m hoping to do soon, go out and see this film’s and TV shows!! There’s got to be at least one film and series you need to see.

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