10 Years Later “Sleepy Hollow” Isn’t Your Typical Small Town


Small towns are cute and charming and typically the kinds of places you could escape to and stay forever. However, it seems some may be worth avoiding at all costs. Unless you like the idea of losing your head to a malevolent being.

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All That Glitters Might Be Gold


When one season ends, another is already coming into focus. Many will be well worth the time, while others less so. And some, it’s sad to say, may take some time to be either. While it’s great to have options, it doesn’t mean they’ll go the distance.

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Upfronts About It: NBC and Fox Bring Family Drama and Laughs


April showers bring May flowers, but for those of us who consume mass amounts of TV, we get excited about something else altogether. May brings flowers as we mourn, but then new life when we look towards the future. However, with each exciting title revealed and teased, there comes some trepidation. Will these be around for long or be another reminder of what not to do during a new television season?

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Show and Tell: Part I

Upfronts week can be an exciting time for many, unless you’re an actor in a now cancelled TV series. It’s primarily exciting for advertisers, which is the whole point of this yearly event, but even the general public gets to be a part of this thanks to news outlets. However, while it’s all exciting and all, there are some drawbacks too. Continue reading