The 2018 Academy Awards Winners Were Announced With Little Surprise


It’s here!!! At long last, the 90th Academy Awards has arrived!!! I’ve been waiting for so long! And that’s all I can say. Up until tonight’s ceremony (5pm PT), I hadn’t even made any predictions. ANY. It’s truly the most disappointing thing I’ve done this year. Here’s hoping my predictions aren’t wrong. Well, too wrong. I’m trying to do better than last year, which was seriously abysmal.

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‘Tis the Season: “2017 Academy Awards: Nominations”

Awards season is finally showing signs of winding down. That means you can start prepping for the few months you’ll get of rest before the cycle begins again. It’s a fun but exhausting one, and hopefully, like these past few years, it continues to be a stressful one. So many good films keep coming out, which makes it incredibly hard to know which films are most deserving. So many are, but so many simply can’t break through the noise that is the increasing hype of any given film. Which films will be fortunate enough to break through and receive that special distinction only select few films can ever achieve per year? Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “2017 Screen Actors Guild Awards: Nominations”

Twice in one week?! I’ll take it! At least this time I didn’t have to wake in the wee hours of the morning to catch these nominations. I so hate when that’s a thing. However, losing sleep is usually something I can get past rather quickly. When there’s even a little tension and excitement floating around the room, it’s impossible to dwell on the lack of sleep. Mind you, there’s always the minutes following these types of announcements, and that’s usually never good. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “2017 Golden Globe Awards: Nominations”

Where one awards show ends, another begins. It’s the never ending cycle known as awards season. Some awards are more exciting than others, and sometimes you’re just never too sure what to think. The track record of a given organization, which hands out the awards, is so spotty it’s really anyone’s guess as to what the members will be focusing on. On the bright side, if you like surprises, this will no doubt do the trick. Continue reading