‘Tis the Season: “2016 Golden Globes Winners”

Today was the day! The the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) announced its winners for the 2016 Golden Globe Awards and what an incredible and crazy night it was! Well, actually, I can only imagine as I didn’t actually get to watch them. Sad truth when it comes to my live TV watching capabilities. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “2016 Golden Globe Awards Nominations”

  One day of awards nominations wasn’t enough! There needed to be at least a second one. And, actually if I were to do the math, this week alone, we’re probably up to 15 awards nominations or wins announced already. After awhile it all just starts to look like one big haze. Something akin to what Dorothy must’ve felt after getting hit in the head by a window pane full of glass, that didn’t break, during a tornado, that didn’t demolish her family’s dinky little house. I’ve strayed from the path. Oh dear. This is awkward. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards Nominations”

  While awards season has been in full effect for some time, according to many observers, it is with the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards nominations that a much bigger and important picture seems to take shape. Surprises can still happen, and occasionally, some are quite welcome. It’s what makes this so much fun and competitive. However, some nominees aren’t always what we expect, and it begins a tiresome yearly ritual. I, like a lot of people ask, who should’ve been nominated and what does this mean in that ultimate quest for gold? Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “2016 Film Independent Spirit Awards Nominations”

Awards season has technically been upon us for some time. I, for some ridiculous reason, choose to not pay all that much attention to anything not involving the typical awards everyone else pays attention to. So, what’s that reason? There’s just too many to keep track of, and some seem to sneak up on you when you’re not paying attention. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “Oscars Predictions: Winners”

2015/01/img_0411.jpgOkay. I’m cheating. I did the work, just not all of it. I’m satisfied with my choices, well, as satisfied as one can be without going completely insane. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “The Oscars, Nominations”

2015/01/img_04111.jpgToday is the day! That exciting day when you learn which of your favorite films, or soon to be favorite, earned nominations for an Academy Award. Unlike most years, that I can recall, this year was particularly surprising. Both fun and not so fun surprises came out of this early morning announcement. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “Oscar Nominations Predictions”

2015/01/img_0411.jpgThe time has come, at long last! for the last, of the major awards during awards season. Actually, it’s just the nominations, which are tomorrow morning (early), so now is as good a time as ever, to throw out what I suspect will be nominated for an Academy Award. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “Critics Choice Awards Nominations”

/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/9c1/68294143/files/2014/12/img_0390.jpgAwards season wouldn’t be complete without the numerous critics organizations offering up their nominees and annual lists of top films. One critics group, that has a pretty important say when recognizing films (at least to me), is that of the Broadcast Film Critics Association. The broadcast, which comes later, isn’t just fun, but somehow I have an automatic trust with these critics, even though I know not of who they actually are. I could take a guess, but that’s a lot of work and I don’t really care. Mind you this would be fun to learn, but not needed. With this trust in hand, I can take what they give and be okay with it, for the most part. Continue reading

‘Tis the Season: “Golden Globe Awards Nominations, Part II”

IMG_1828.JPGSo, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), handed out its yearly Golden Globes Nominations yesterday morning, which I’m sad to say, I missed. It was a decent crop of nominees, most unsurprising, but, and as expected, had its fair share of genuine surprises. Continue reading