The 92nd Oscar Nominations Bring Pleasant Surprises Among the Snubs and Expected


Today’s the day! The day so many love and many love to hate or just outright hate. It really depends on how you feel about awards shows. Regardless of where you fall in those few categories, the nominees for film’s highest honor (in the U.S.) have finally been revealed and the numerous conversations are ready to take shape! The next few days hours should be quite interesting.

The 92nd Academy Awards nominations were announced early this morning (which made being at work a very, very interesting experience), and boy was it exciting! No, really, it was! I was thrilled! Maybe a bit sad, but that’s because I wasn’t fully up on who everyone was expecting to see, not going to see and just plain hoping to see eek through with enough votes to land a coveted spot. As names were read, some genuine surprise gasps and smiles and little jumps were had.

The 92nd Academy Awards air Live on Feb. 9, 2020 on ABC at 8pm EST/5pm PST on ABC!

Without further ado, and with some help from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (A.M.P.A.S.), here are the nominees for the 92nd Academy Awards!

Oh! And one note on how these thoughts and selections of each category came to be. The categories were selected by how they were announced this morning, but in reverse order. Last is first and so forth. If I have a thought, I’ll share it! But, if I don’t or have a very tiny one, it’s because I haven’t seen the film or don’t have enough information to put out a thought.



Where to start? I’m excited by so many of these, mainly as it reaffirms my thoughts on how badly I need to see these! Of the few listed, “JoJo Rabbit” is probably the one I’m most excited about seeing. “Little Women”, “Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood”, “Parasite”, “Joker” and “The Irishman” all seem to vie for the next position of must sees. The other two I’m excited about, but not overly thrilled about wanting to see. They won’t be ones I desperately seek out. “Marriage Story” on the other hand, I need to rewatch. I loved it the first time, but still, somehow, feel I need a second opinion. Maybe to solidify my reasons for why I highly enjoyed it. Right now, for obvious reasons, that’s my pick and favorite. Also, because of the excitement I collectively feel for these nominees, I can’t say they’re terrible choices.


A list mainly of no surprises. Once each film was released, and as it slowly gained momentum, it became apparent why these directors were favorites. I’m not surprised. I’m especially thrilled by Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino, as they’ve repeatedly proven themselves, but for right now, that just makes my want to see their respective films that much more. Of the remaining, I’m not against, but I’ll just have to wait and see. With Bong Joon-Ho getting in for “Parasite” the reasons and level of excitement go up. It says so much for why I need to give this breakout film a chance! Also, while it’s sad (on some level and to so many, of which I can’t yet tell if I’m one of them) that Greta Gerwig or any of the other female directors didn’t get in, Joon-Ho’s nomination says just as much, if not, maybe, even more. As with the recently announced BAFTA nominees, Joon-Ho makes for only the second Asian director to be nominated for best director in the last 20 years. Previously only Ang Lee has been nominated. I’d say, contrary to what everyone else would like to make you believe or wants the conversation to be, this is pretty damn important! Like how M. Night Shyamalan is the only Indian director to be nominated in 20 years. Again, it’s disappointing that women were kept out, but to merely nominate someone just to say they have such and such a person in there, would be far worse. Dare I say it, but I think it would be insulting. A slap in the face. Why bother giving out the award at all?


One surprise and two first (second for one actress?) nominees! It’s an exciting day if you’re an actress! Cynthia Erivo got in! So, who was left out? No, really, who? I don’t know, but whatever! It’s exciting! As far as I knew, Erivo’s film “Harriet” was this little indie film. I honestly haven’t heard much from an awards recognition standpoint, which itself doesn’t mean much. However, looking here, it makes her nomination a bit more surprising and exciting! For me, more than the other women, seeing Scarlett Johansson get in is by far the best! Don’t get me wrong, I love the other actresses and can’t wait to devour their respective films, probably even love them, but Johansson’s is my personal favorite! Also, having seen “Marriage Story” makes it the automatic favorite. But, it’s more than that. I’ve been watching Johansson in top notch films for a long time. Early on, like Academy Award winner Emma Stone, I pegged Johansson as someone deserving of this type of recognition. Give her the material and she’ll deliver. She routinely has. She’s also, like so many, starred in duds, or as the last decade has shown us, she’s mostly just done big action blockbusters. Don’t gang up on me just yet, because as exciting as her turn as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow has been, I’ve routinely found it limiting. I wanted desperately to see her working with something truly deserving of her talents. “Marriage Story” gave her that and I am beyond thrilled she’s being recognized at last! Here’s hoping she takes more risks with her work, and doesn’t just go for flashy, ass-kicking and awesome action work! You know, things that are fluffy, which I do see is ironic to say as she has “Black Widow” opening later this year.


This one’s harder. I think Antonio Banderas getting in is fascinating and surprising, but that’s about it. His film falls under one of those I’m aware of, but have more or less heard little about. With the exception of Jonathan Pryce, the rest of the actors were expected. I like their work, so I’m excited to get around to watching each film. However, like with Johansson, as far as Adam Driver is concerned, I need to rewatch it. I’m sure I’ll love it!


I’d say the question here is which script do I want to read more? I’ve seen “Marriage Story”, but “Knives Out” just has an exciting premise! I can’t stop hearing good things about it and Rian Johnson is a risk taker when it comes to storytelling. So, both? The other two, it’s going to depend on how they unfold and how I react. I can’t say any of these are bad choices, but we’ll see. Also, to just point it out, there are Asian nominees and a female voice in this category! It’s a step in the right direction.


Greta!!! Greta Gerwig got nominated!!! All hope is not lost! I’m most thrilled by Taika Waititi and Gerwig and can’t wait to read both! There’s something about these two that screams more exciting and inventive than the rest. Regardless, I’m sure each deserves these nods.


Double nominee!! Erivo is doing well for a first time nominee! Diane Warren returns as do the Lopez’s! I’ve heard only one of these, so I’ll reserve judgement for now.


No “Frozen II”?! I’m not sure if I should be surprised. I want to be, but should I be? Whatever. “Toy Story 4” got in, so I’m thrilled! The others, I just need to see. And more female nominees!


A tricky category if ever there was one. One of those, wait and see ones. I honestly don’t think I’ll hate any of the winners, and am surprised there are even five nominees. I can’t remember the last time there was. I’m sure I’ll like all the collective work that aided in bringing the characters and films together! Also, to keep relative tabs… more female nominees!


Another difficult category to get excited about. Sound Mixing and Editing are like this too. I can’t be too surprised by two of the nominees, and the rest will just have to wow me later.


Roger Deakins! He’s my favorite here. But, still, like above, I’m sure the work done in these films will wow me and draw me in the way it’s meant to.


Female and Asian representation! But, setting that aside, this gives me something to obsess over from a technical standpoint. Something I can truly pay attention to and understand. Like cinematography, I’ve become a bit of a fan of editing. Another reason to watch these films!


Once more for the wait and see categories! All of these. “Parasite” surprises me, but that’s only because, of all of these, I’ve no true idea of what this film’s world looks like. Not even a little. So, I can’t say I agree or disagree with this choice. However, it is, once again, refreshing to see these nominees!


Foreign films can be fun. Exciting and risky. “Parasite” first, then “Les Misérables” and then the rest. Who knows, I may discover a new favorite. It’s been awhile since I saw one of the nominated films.


Documentary is difficult for me. I’ve not seen enough, and sadly, don’t feel I ever really have much of a reason or want to do so. I wonder why that is. I like documentaries enough, but maybe it’s a subject matter problem. Maybe I’ve just not tried out enough and opened myself to learning more about something. Maybe this year will change that.


Ah, actors. Let’s see… there’s Joe Pesci, who’s been basically retired since the 90’s and hasn’t been nominated since 1991. Anthony Hopkins has been active, but not really in much that truly stands out or is memorable, and also saw his last nomination in 1998. Al Pacino’s been bumbling around here and there, doing whatever older actors do, so in some ways, his nomination is exciting! Perhaps it could reinvigorate his career. Keeping with a particular theme, he also hasn’t been nominated since the early 1990s. Brad Pitt doesn’t surprise me or overly excite me. I guess I’ll need to watch his film first and then decide. I guess Tom Hanks is the only true surprise. It’s not that people haven’t pointed out his performance, but he’s only (to my knowledge) popped up a handful of times. Nothing to say definitively he’d get in. I guess I do need to see his portrayal of Fred Rogers.


I’d get more excited about this category if there was an easy and quick way to see these films. There isn’t. Seldom is there. I think the last one I saw was “The Phone Call”. Maybe I’ll get lucky this year, unlike last year. I didn’t actually even try to search them out.


Same here. These shorts are virtually impossible to see. I guess this really explains why people ignore the below the line categories.


Score. One of my favorites! Thus far, as of this writing, I’ve heard, “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” (of course), “Marriage Story” (in film and solo), and I’m working on “Little Women”. They’re wonderful scores and I’m so far torn. John Williams probably won’t win, but that’d be cool if he did. Somehow, just judging on how it’s done so far, I’m thinking Hildur Gudnadóttir’s work on “Joker” will win, but I need to watch and listen first. Thomas Newman… well, he’s like Williams. Always nominated, not many wins. Well, Newman’s never won actually. Will he this time?


Ah Editing. I’ll just leave this one alone.


Mixing too. Can’t speak on what you don’t understand.


An exciting category! However, I’d say, this year, the sad part is, they’re all pretty much period pieces. Yes, they look amazing and bring each world to life, but haven’t we seen these before? Hmm…


And lastly, but not least, Supporting Actress. I kind of thought I’d never get to this one. It was the first to be announced, but my last for the day. First time nominee Johansson!!! Literally, the first of her two nominations read. I’m so thrilled! Why is this performance being singled out in this film? I can’t wait to find out. There’s truly something about the story in “JoJo Rabbit” that keeps me interested and anxious to see. I hope it doesn’t disappoint. Florence Pugh is a wonderful and pleasant surprise! I’ve heard only great things and have loved the work she’s done this past year, so I’m hopeful for what she brings in “Little Women”. It’s funny, that both Johansson and Pugh are nominated together, and are set to star in “Black Widow” this summer. Margot Robbie makes me want to see “Bombshell” even more and Laura Dern and Kathy Bates just make these nominations all the more exciting! Dern did amaze me in “Marriage Story”, the one film I have seen thus far. So unlike her other work of the last several years.

So, what have we learned? The Academy Awards, like all awards, even those given by critics, are glorified popularity contests. That no matter how hard you wish and try, the shiniest object that stands out the most will get the most attention and likely be considered above all else. Pretty much. And sadly, that’s the thing so many people won’t ever understand. They also won’t understand, or at least want to accept (because it’d be hard or something?), that this voting process, like all of them (I think) is completely subjective. It’s probably not a perfect system, and I don’t think there ever could be one, but it’s the one in place and the one that seems to make sense. So enough people didn’t vote for what’s-her-name or what’s-his-face and thus they didn’t get nominated. Big fucking deal! Get over it! Clearly not enough people (hence how the voting worked) thought it deserved high placement or even recognition to begin with. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t good. We know what we know.

Yes, it’s disappointing, and seems like a step back, but really, until the industry at large takes more risks with the kinds of films that are made and who is involved in what aspects of bringing them to life, this likely won’t change. I believe the industry is primarily to blame and that awards shows like this only highlight that problem. You can’t nominate or even consider nominating that which doesn’t exist to begin with, or in some cases, gets so quickly pushed out and overlooked. If you simply put something in for the sake of saying you have that kind of representation, then why do it at all? I get people don’t like awards shows, but I’m not ready to give up on them. I like what they each highlight (most of the time). If, in the push for diversity, which only ever truly seems to be about racial diversity, organizers of these awards are willing to just sacrifice what they’re supposed to mean, then none of it matters. People call them participation trophies, and I get why, but I’m not really one of those people. I would call this approach, which people intentionally or unintentionally call for each year, insulting. A slap in the face. These awards don’t mean anything and thus, as many people still call for, should cease being given out. I hope we never get to that point.

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